Information on donations worldwide

We are happy and privileged to have friends and family literally around the world reading this. Because we partner with the charity Samaritan's Purse (based out of North Carolina), we are able to offer tax-deductible donations to American, Canadian, and Australian residents. Additionally, donations in the UK are eligible for Gift Aid.

For those of you who live in another country and are interested in partnering with us financially,  we are grateful and humble for your sacrifice. You are able to donate to the Samaritan's Purse office in the US with US dollars, the office in Canada with Canadian dollars, the office in Australia with Australian dollars, the office in New Zealand with NZ dollars, or the office in the UK with pound sterling. You will receive a receipt from Samaritan's Purse; however, we are unable to say if a donation to Samaritan's Purse will be tax-deductible in your country.

We are always interested in setting up accounts in other countries to allow for tax-deductible charitable donations. If you come from a country other than the one listed the previous page and if you're interested in making your donation tax-deductible, please contact us. We want to work with you to make it happen, because most likely, you're not the only one in your country who is interested.

For instructions on donating to the US, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, or UK branches of Samaritan's Purse, please go the previous page and click on the applicable flag. Our project number in the US and Canada is 003718. Our project number is Australia and New Zealand is 6216. In the UK, please just reference our last name (Huang project account).

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